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Traffic Calming Report

One issue that all residents are in agreement with is the growing speeding problem that is occurring on our residential roads. On March 18th, 2019 council received a comprehensive traffic study. This study looked at various roads in King Township and reported all possible adjustments that could be made to improve the traffic problems presented in King.

The full report can be found here.

During the comment period after the report had been presented, Councillor Boyd asked to have the speed limit reduced on all subdivision roads from 50 km/h down to 40 km/h. I quickly seconded and supported the idea.

Safety for All Residents is my TOP PRIORITY Especially on OUR Residential Roads!

The report also outlines all traffic calming measures and their individual pros and cons. I look forward to implementing as many traffic calming measures as necessary to increase safety for the residents of Ward 1.

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