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2019 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the Township of King

Updated: Jun 28, 2020

Monday, June 22, 2020 staff presented Council with a draft of the consolidated financial statement for the 2019 budget year. The audit report showed an operating surplus of $1,635,858.00 this was achieved through a variety of cost savings from different departments as well as an incremental increase in revenue from new construction.

As your Councillor, I will continue to advocate for common-sense budgets that invest in what matters to residents! I will continue to advocate for investment in infrastructure such as quality roads, a revitalized King City core with safer sidewalks, a wonderful new library and seniors center which is opening soon, and a Township wide recreation center in Ward 1. I will also ensure that the services that matter continue to be delivered and expanded on such as our summer camps, recreational programs, and our emergency fire services. All this will continue to be worked on with a focus on being green for tomorrow. or used to make up the difference. A great example is our current road paving project which this year will see 35KM of roadway repaved or converted from gravel to asphalt.

Overall, the 2019 fiscal year was an excellent one for the Township of King.

As your Councillor I will continue to advocate for common sense budgets that invest in what matters to residents! I will continue to advocate for investment in infrastructure such as quality roads, a revitalized King City core with safer sidewalks, a wonderful new library and seniors centre which is opening soon, and a Township wide recreation centre in Ward 1. I will also ensure that the services that matter continue to be delivered and expanded on such as our summer camps, recreational programs, and our emergency fire services. All this will continue to be worked on with a focus on being green for tomorrow.

Below are the staff recommendations:

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